Manon Lescaut

Manon Lescaut

Manon Lescaut protracts between excess and absence. The libretto had been created by seven persons altogether: Ruggero Leoncavallo, Marco Praga, Giuseppe Giacosa, Domenico Oliva, Luigi Illica, as well as Giacomo Puccini himself and his publisher Giulio Ricordi. The case was so complicated that a decision was made not to put any name on the title page of the published score. The protagonist herself is also fluctuating between possession and lack thereof. Whatever she has, she loses in a flash. When she has everything, she feels suffocated with the abundance and recalls her indigent lover. When she is to leave with him, she is unable to give up her jewels. This desire leads her from luxury to a place where there is nothing – to the desert, where Manon dies of thirst. There is no water but there is love; some would say – nothing, others – everything.

A great recommendation for fans of consumerism and minimalism – everybody will find something for themselves here.

They say love has many names, and as we learn from the story of Manon Lescaut's libretto, you sometimes need as many as eight people to describe a feeling that goes beyond the boundaries of propriety. This many people struggled to translate Prévost's novel to the language of the opera. Puccini was involved both in the creation of music and the libretto. As he said when he started composing, "I will feel it (...) with a passion of despair." His passion was passed on to the titular character.
This breathtaking story about obsession and abundance directed by Gerard Jones won the appreciation of the jury of the International Opera-directing Prize.



scena duża


kierownictwo muzyczne
Marco Guidarini
Gerard Jones
Blanca Añón
reżyseria świateł
Marc Gonzalo Herrainz
Donna Raphael
kierownictwo chóru
Mariusz Otto
scena duża


kierownictwo muzyczne
Marco Guidarini
Gerard Jones
Blanca Añón
reżyseria świateł
Marc Gonzalo Herrainz
Donna Raphael
kierownictwo chóru
Mariusz Otto