Director Renata Borowska-Juszczyńska Among Delegates at the World Opera Forum

We are pleased to announce that from June 3-8 this year, the Opera Conference & World Opera Forum took place in Los Angeles. We are delighted that General Manager Renata Borowska-Juszczyńska was invited by the international committee to join the group of 60 official delegates from six continents, including opera directors, artists, partners, and promoters, who engaged in a five-day global discussion on the functioning of opera in the 21st century. The head of the Poznań Opera House participated as a speaker in debates and discussions addressing topics such as: opera production (what we produce, how we produce it, and for whom), creating organizational and artistic strategies that consider social, technological, and cultural changes, elevating the importance of human values, building communities of engaged cultural audiences, discussing changes in the opera world since 2018, and the operation of opera houses post-pandemic. Renata Borowska-Juszczyńska presented, among other things, the activities of the Poznań stage related to the promotion of Moniuszko's legacy, which can inspire the exploration of the works of local composers whose creations have been unjustly overlooked.

The organizers of the Opera Conference & World Opera Forum were: OPERA America, Opera Europa, Ópera Latinoamérica, and the Association for Opera in Canada. The next World Opera Forum will be hosted by Tokyo.
