THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO (Le nozze di Figaro) – Wolfgang Amadeusz Mozart

dyr. Walter E. Gugerbauer


The opera of operas! A piece that unites composers, soloists, playwrights, music experts, and the audience in a hymn of praise. A king’s ransom to those who can recount the plot of The Marriage without hesitation. Among all the outfit changes, substitutions, window jumping, and wonderfully found children, one may struggle to catch a breath… or the gist of it all. But when the librettist's mind deviates too far from the trail (then again, who looks for reason in a love story?), Mozart and his music come to the rescue.

The Marriage is like a lens that reflects the era in which the piece was created. The changes of that time can be seen in the character of a witty servant, who triumphs over his master. Heroines, skilfully outlined by the librettist, outgrow the stereotypes of an enamoured silly goose or an abandoned woman in her prime: feisty Susanna, bold yet musically melancholic Countess, Barbarina who draws from Susanna, and Marcellina, who stands up for what she believes in. Every character in this story is distinctive.

Czas trwania:
2 godziny 55 minut
Scena Duża
Włoski | Polskie Napisy
Liczba przerw:

Wybierz datę

Thursday 19:00
Scena Duża
Friday 19:00
Scena Duża
Saturday 19:00
Scena Duża
Sunday 18:00
Scena Duża


Marek Weiss
Scenografia i reżyseria świateł
Paweł Dobrzycki
Kierownictwo Chóru
Mariusz Otto



Kategoria B
Parter 100 zł 80 zł
Balkon I i Loże boczne 100 zł 80 zł
Loża środkowa 200 zł  
Balkon II 70 zł 60 zł
Balkon III - rzędy 1-3 55 zł 45 zł
Balkon III - rzędy 4 i 5 45 zł 35 zł
Balkon III - rząd 6 10 zł 20 zł
miejsca dostawne - Parter i Balkon I 40 zł 50 zł